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Career education

The 1.2 years basics (I establish a lifestyle, a learning custom)

I put an important point in the basic scholastic ability and let you acquire a learning custom.
I have an interview while valuing individuality of each student and instruct it carefully.

One year (the first grade at a junior high school)

<career plan ①>
●I am announced "an occupation interview"
●"The lecture of the graduate"
●"The lecture of the obstetrical teacher"

Two years (the second grade at a junior high school)

<career plan ②>
●"A dream map"
●I announce "the visit to workplace" [Osaka]

3.4 years development (I draw a future figure and increase scholastic ability, individuality)

I take in the learning contents of the high school gently from three years.
In English, the mathematics, I perform a small class according to the degree of achievement.

Three years (the third grade at a junior high school)

<career plan ③>
●"A dream navigator"
●I announce "the visit to workplace" [Osaka]
●"An open campus"
●"A medical experience"
●"A nursing experience"
●"A kindergarten volunteer"

Four years (the first grade at a high school)

●"Course guidance"
●"The university department subject investigation"
●"The open lecture for Okayama University high school students"
●"Kyoto University gathering around in a circle forum"
●"An open campus"
●"A medical experience"
●"A nursing experience"
●"A kindergarten volunteer"
●"School excursion announcement"
●"The lecture of the graduate"
●"An entrance into a school of higher grade dictionary" (aptitude test)

5.6 years completion (it advances towards an aim)

Substantial curriculum corresponding to the course of each student desired
I make a special curriculum just before examination and perform instruction connected directly with examination more.
I perform the individual guidance of a short essay, the interview corresponding to individual universities.

Five years (the second grade at a high school)

●"Course guidance"
●"The making of the desired reason book"
●"A learning camp" (July)
●"A coordinator business trip lecture of the Kyoto University learning"
●"An open campus"
●"A medical experience"
●"A nursing experience"
●"A kindergarten volunteer"
●"Posture of contemplation Kiyoharu society"
●"The lecture of the graduate"
●"A curriculum special in spring"

Six years (the third grade at a high school)

●"Course guidance"
●"A special curriculum"
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