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School introduction

Breeding of the school

Support Maria monastic order founder Mary Therese de subiran
   The House of astronomy of Akira Fukuyama is a general school built by the support Maria monastic order which Mary Therese de subiran (France) founded in 1864.
   I inherit the mind of the founder now in all parts of the world including France U.K. Ireland Italy Cameroon Micronesia Philippines, Korea, Japan, and, in response to the country, a social demand of the time, I give all of the self, and the support Maria canon serves God and people.
   At first, in Japan, a junior high school was established in 1949, and the basics of academy were laid. I followed, and a kindergarten was established in technical school, 1958 in high school, 1955 in 1952 and, in the elementary school, a monastic order was founded and founded a school in 1964 just 100 years later.

Education policy

  The education of our school is made on the base of the human being respect based on the Christianity mind and measures the thorough deepening in the class that conformed to an elementary school curriculum and stretches out individuality and polishes enough the ability that oneself was given and works for bringing that up between people to serve for other people.
In addition, I deepen the understanding as "the brothers who are humanity" through a religion, moral education and develop an each person's sense of duty and know own value and value that I cultivate a view on religion feeling and human being connected for true human nature extension.
   Furthermore, I take in a thing, English that development expands an event and the general learning that focused on an experience including the mass on outdoor on-site training, Christmas in the summer of the world of the child in a school camping trip, summer more and bring up internationality and aim at the all-round education in all domains of the school.

School badge

Origin of the school badge

 The form of the school badge adopted a founder of the support Maria society, the crest of the person of happy person Mary Therese de subiran.
 M A is an initial of Marie Auxiliatrice (Maria named the standby). When a night sky is over, and it can be dyed in "Phosphore", a star is a symbol of the east Virgin Mary shining in the sky.
 The problem that children learning from the school in the star of the dawn vary and prayer, "I learn it from Maria in a ray of hope to light up the darkness of the mind of people" while it has difficulty are loaded with.
The school satchel of star Elementary School of the dawn puts the carved seal of the school badge.
Thought to want this to use the school satchel from a first grader to a sixth grader carefully is put.
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