Land tax classroom <sixth grader>[The upper grades,Daily events]
Ikimono-gakari[Daily events]
Club activities <4,5, sixth grader>[The upper grades,Daily events]
School guidance
Education policy
School life
Entrance to school guidance
Principal Message
The Fukuyama Akenohoshi Elementary school principal
Kodama connection
Each children notices in the good point of own good point, friend, each other
I seem to be able to continue working hard to encourage each other, and to increase individuality,
Keep an affirmative evaluation in mind, and is warm; of the security full of smiles there is
I try for promotion of the school education.
School history
Dec. 1947
Four Assistance Maria religious sisters came to Fukuyama-shi in Japan.
Apr. 1964
28 number of the Fukuyama Akenohoshi Elementary school opening of a school entrance to school children
Jul. 1968
A school seaside trip (Manabeshima, Kasaoka-shi) begins
July, 1969
A school camping trip (Hiba-gun shaku field) begins
November, 1974
The world (shukyo*narikai) of the child begins in summer
Oct. 1978
The 15th anniversary of the foundation of ceremony elementary school of the 30th anniversary of the academy foundation
Oct. 1988
Ceremony, commemorative concert of the 25th anniversary of the elementary school foundation
Apr. 1992
Shifts from French to English begin
Oct. 1993
Ceremony, commemorative concert of the 30th anniversary of the elementary school
Oct. 1998
The 35th anniversary of the foundation of ceremony, thanks Misa Elementary School of the 50th anniversary of the academy
Aug. 2001
Computer room completion
Mar. 2002
It is set up an air conditioner by all classrooms
Dec. 2003
Christmas society of the 40th anniversary of the elementary school, commemorative concert
Aug. 2005
Irene building (new arts and crafts room, home economics room, class reunion room) reconstruction
Jul. 2007
The sisters of the more than 20 name visit Japan in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the foundation of Assistance Maria religious Japan from Africa Europe.
Jan. 2014
Ceremony new school building completion of the 50th anniversary of the foundation
Mar. 2014
The 45th batch graduation (3,085 graduate total number)
Characteristic education
Religious education
Religious education
Deepen understanding as "all brothers such as me" and develop an each person's sense of duty and know own value and cultivate a view on religion feeling and human being connected for true human nature extension.
English education
English education
English education to survive it in international community. I cultivate "the base of the language" of children flapping before long in the world and bring up an autonomous learner through English education.
Experience-based activity
Rich experience-based activity
I expand an event and the class when I valued the world of the child, the outdoor on-site trainings such as school camping trips, an experience including the pre-yell (the training trip) Christmas society in summer and aim at the all-round education.
The first semester
●The opening ceremony ●Entrance ceremony
●Open day, protector general meeting 
●Excursion ●Road safety classroom
●Benedicite (first grader) 
●Athletic meet
●Security training
●Fire prevention fire drill 
●The opening of a pool 
●Sunday open day, education lecture ●Open school
●Public workshop ●The Star Festival Festival
●The pool end ●Closing ceremony
●The world (fourth grader) of the summer child
●School camping trip (fifth grader)
The second semester
●The opening ceremony ●Open day
●Visit to society
●Open school
●The anniversary of the founding (October 20)
●Entrance examination selection ●Visit to society
●The Star Festival of the dawn
●Pre-yell (the training trip, sixth grader)    ●Fire prevention fire drill
●Let's run together 
●Christmas mass
●Closing ceremony
The third semester
●The opening ceremony ●The calligraphy practice at the beginning of the year exhibition
●Open day ●Transference attempt selection
●Setsubun  ●Learning presentation
●Parting ball game meet ●Kiyoharu society
●Graduation thanks mass ●Certificate investiture
●Completion type

Traffic access
■Taxi [from Fukuyama Station about ten minutes]
■mawa Rose (center circulation line) [from Fukuyama Station about 16 minutes]
   Blue route tenth platform 22nd Miyoshichominami getting off
■Chugoku Bus [from Fukuyama Station about 15 minutes]
   The House of astronomy entrance getting off of the House of astronomy entrance line second platform dawn of the dawn
   Steel tube hospital, Kokanchou line second platform 2, Nishifukatsucho via the Fukatsu tunnel or
   Getting off at 3, Nishifukatsucho
The telephone feels free to contact us, too
3-4-1, Nishifukatsucho, Fukuyama-shi, Hiroshima