School life

Through the various school events including the religion event, I learn many things.
I stare at the self and develop a thought, a rich view of the world about the life.
School year
| School events
| Middle and high schools
| Grade event
One year
(average 1)
| [May]
・The Holy Mother month ・Athletic meet [September] ・School festival ・Memorial festival bazaar [November] ・Memorial service ・Excursion ・Student general meeting ・The Advent [December] ・Christmas society ・Christmas homage [January] ・Student council attendance speech meeting ・English official approval [February] ・Farewell party [March] ・Extended student morning gathering | [June]
・(the inside) a chorus contest [November] ・(the inside) a speech contest [February] ・Communication Contest
| [April]
・On-site training made with a friend
Two years
(average 2)
| [August]
・School camping trip
・Career plan 2
| ||
Three years
(average 3)
| [November]
・Career plan 3
| ||
Four years
(high 1)
| [November]
・English in Action
[February] ・It is a speech contest (high) | [October]
・School excursion in Canada
| |
Five years
(high 2)
| [October]
・Posture of contemplation Kiyoharu society
・Transmission type of the light
| ||
Six years
(high 3)
| [December]
・Transmission type of the light ・Incantation |