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English education (4 skills)

 Global education 
<a certain characteristic English education and practical English activity>
 Since foundation of 1949, I concentrate power on English education. All the members advocate the acquisition target of the Eiken second grade by the Eiken third grade, an eleventh grader by a ninth grader and carry out campus examination in the whole school. Furthermore, in the high school, all the members take an entrance examination for GTEC for Students, and the English growth rate of one year is appreciated every year. In addition, I bring up practical English ability while understanding a cultural background in the English class of our school original which a native speaker instructs.
 In addition, I carry out "English in Action Contest" on campus in the high school, and English that students were full of life announces every year "Communication Contest" at the junior high school.
 The overseas training program 
<international exchange, cross-cultural experience>
 As an opportunity to widen a heart to the world, the training trips from 2019 to the United States (Pasadena) started in 2018 to Germany. I visit a church and the art museum in Germany and become the substantial contents including the interchange with the G Gen Bach chorus. In addition, I carry out the interchange with the villa Maria college school in the New Zealand continuously every year.
 By the school excursion for the first year of high school, I visit Canada Vancouver, and all the members deepen cross-cultural communication by the homestay experience of 3 days and 2 nights or the training according to the group.
 GU -Global Understanding- 
 The English conversation class by the foreign teacher who calls it G.U. in a principal school aims at the acquisition of the practical conversation while understanding a cultural society-like background. The interchange with the foreign student is prosperous, too.
 WE -World Englishes- 
 I start "online English conversation" in 2018 targeting at applicants, and all the students of the fifth grader carry it out from a second grader during class now. It is "Online English conversation lesson" to be connected to the overseas lecturer while being in the classroom.

The approach to the situation of the student who can do it simply because it is one to one is precise and exchanges it happily at all. I actually use what I learned in an everyday class and work on English learning forward while feeling joy "handed down".

About official approval

It is ... with the Eiken

An official name is called "practical English skill official approval" and is carried out three times a year, the number of the annual examinees is approximately 2,300,000 English certification examinations the largest domestically. It is detected widely in social various scenes including an entrance examination kind treatment and the unit authorization at the university.
Association of English official approval in Japan is a public interest incorporated foundation moving into action for the training of the English ability through business such as enforcement of the Eiken or the issuance of publication.

It is ... with GTEC

Can measure growth of the command of English continuously, is score type 4 skill official approval of "write it" "talking" "reading" "hearing it".
2017 the number of the annual total of examinees approximately 1,020,000 people (with possibility). Enforcement by the score alone type official approval (I include 3 skill examinees).
I know the command of English with concrete score and can utilize official score for the university entrance exam.
[English official approval]
I win prize for encouragement!
(2018, 2021) 
In the results excellence group selection committee of association of English official approval in Japan, our school was chosen as "prize for encouragement".
Saturday, March 26, 2018
Yellowtail tissue
 Representative Prize to Japan (part of the group)
     I won this!
This prize is given the group which was the highest in an acquisition rate of the Eiken. A star of the dawn was chosen by one school in five whole country.

The 2021 Eiken pass situation (March, 2022 investigation)

Three people pass one person, the associate first grade to the first grade! Congratulations (including high 3).

The associate first grade
The second grade
The associate second grade
The third grade
The fourth grade
The fifth grade
Accomplishment rate
Five years (in the second year of high school)
Two people
21 people
24 people
Four people
Four years (in the first year of high school)
0 people
Eight people
28 people
19 people
Two people
0 people
Three years (in the third year of junior high school)
0 people
Two people
21 people
33 people
Five people
Two people
Two years (in the second year of junior high school)
0 people
Nine people
22 people
20 people
Four people
One year (in the first year of junior high school)
0 people
0 people
Four people
Seven people
17 people
36 people
※ Pass target of each school year
  ・Five years (high 2): The second grade
  ・Four years (high 1): The associate second grade
  ・Three years    : The third grade
  ・Two years    : The fourth grade
  ・One year    : The fifth grade
<indication of kakukyu> From ... Eiken HP ...
 The associate first grade: University intermediate degree
 The second grade :Graduation from high school degree
 The associate second grade: High school intermediate degree
 The third grade :Graduation from junior high school degree
 The fourth grade :Junior high school intermediate degree
 The fifth grade :Junior high school beginner's class degree
Institute of educational foundation Fukuyama Akenohoshi
3-4-1, Nishifukatsucho, Fukuyama-shi, Hiroshima
TEL.084-922-1682 (academy direct)
FAX.084-925-1533 (academy direct)
※ About the individual inquiry
I would like it at the following.

(junior high school, high school)
(elementary school)
(nursery school)
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