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Birthday party born in January

Category:Kindergarten event
On January 11, I performed the birthday party of the friend born in January. As for the friend of the birthday, which "it is ▢ year" announced the one year when I grew up at the end of joy while being tense saying "it was ▢ year".
The program from a teacher was an apron theater of curry and rice. There were a lot of people who liked curry and rice and knew the materials well. In addition, from vegetables, meat, rice contained in curry and rice, I could consume various nourishment, and what that rose in of power hard was able to know that it was connected.
Announcement of the friend of the birthday
Receive the present of the picture book from a director teacher, and with a smile.
What is in the curry and rice?
I had one, the snacks of the fun of the birthday party deliciously.
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