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753 blessings type

Category:Kindergarten event
A (older child) held 753 blessings type on 10th. When I went to the temple of Confucius by an exercise for the first time, "a cross has!" "it is a quiet place" Various remarks were asked about "being allowed to come to pray anytime". They could perform the ceremony of blessing in a calm calm atmosphere with protectors, and the children looked bright at all after an expression on that day. As the Ocycrius japonicus which had father bless him was very glad, I looked many times even after coming back to the garden.
I have appreciation and pray that there are a family and God, the support of many people and was able to grow big to here so that children more greatly grow up again towards bright future in the future.
Father talked. When the figure which worked on various events hard seemed to be A and was fantastic, I praised it.
I had father bless him and received Ocycrius japonicus from a director teacher.
I did "the thanksgiving" that A and others gave opinions and thought about.
The person of the representative received good-luck candy. B, C seemed to be glad that I got good-luck candy in a room, too.
Sacred song "gentle eyes" sang o. It will be that God sees step of A from now on.
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