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Birthday party born in October

Category:Kindergarten event
 I did the birthday party of children born in October.
This month is 14 people. From other children, I heard a voice of the surprise saying it was saying "it is a lot!".
As for A, B, "the name" "became 0 years old for 0 days." I was able to say this vigorously.
C said "the name" with effort slightly bashfully when "I became 0 years old".
I seemed to be very glad that I got the present of a song and words from a friend.
 The program from a teacher "magic." A picture drawn on the paper is ... fault wonder! Is it genuine? I transform myself into this!
The children are large serving proceeds. I seem to have been worried about a seed.
"The name" "became 0 years old" and said with effort.
The present from a director teacher. Glad!
I transform myself into ... genuine article when I put a picture in the mysterious bag!
I transform myself into the hat of the small witch!
The snacks are the package onigiri rice crackers of the Halloween
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