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Birthday party born in August

Category:Kindergarten event
I performed the birthday party of the friend born in August on Monday on 4th. The children whom I was taking a rest, and one came to have a big. I stood in front of all and was slightly being tense a little and became name and how old or announced. I had you sing an anthem from all and seemed to be glad that I had you play words saying "congratulations!". The apple juice of the snacks which I took at the age of lunch reported, "it was cold and was delicious!".
"My name is 0 0. I became 6 years old."
I was able to announce magnificently in front of all.
I seem to be glad that I get the birth card which a heartfelt message was written from a teacher.
The program of the teacher was pepusato of "mammaruchan". The animal of the round form came up in various ways, and the children swelled as it became the cake on a birthday finally.
The snacks are apple juice
The juice which I drank with a friend was delicious.
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