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ukiuki AsunDAY

Category:Kindergarten event
 For 20 days, it was ukiuki AsunDAY which A was looking forward to.
I worked on the making of round fan in the morning. When I made it, it was very earnest, but, on seeing a completed round fan, looked very glad. It is a round fan only for one, the treasure of children in the world!

What kind of "texture dyeing" design shall I make?
Kana ... which goes well to die it out of with a "stencil" sponge tap-tap
I paint "sutampingu of the leaf" leaf in a color and stamp it!
When I tear off "tissue paper painting" tissue paper and do a sprayer and dry…It was colored on Japanese paper!
 I went to Fukuyama Museum of Art from the afternoon and experienced the world of the maze picture book which children loved. A in search of the thing which reads a title, and was ordered.
I watched it slowly and, concerning time, was not able to turn around, but was large serving rise from beginning to end.
I took a photograph backed by arch and Fukuyama-jo Castle outside the art museum on the way home.
I came back to the kindergarten and had sweet curry bun and apple juice. It was very delicious as much as I went out and was tired.
It is delicious when I eat with a friend!
I eat all seriously!
  "The balloon progressing relay" that was a large fever in Maria hall. May say a balloon, and do not listen to you, ... soft and fluffy for ... this there soft and fluffy. It was large serving rise. It was Class violet that won the championship, but was content very much to get the medal of the all the members present.
How being it kana - of doing it. Pleasure♬
A balloon is soft, and it is difficult
Carefully! Carefully!
I do not lose!
Class violet championship!
 The program which I practiced a lot in class and Maria hall. I handcrafted the clothes which fitted music and danced vigorously. The result of the exercise was shown, and all classes felt fun even if they took that they looked at. I was very pretty, everybody♡
The fish which is a slope
Picnic of sushi
ninjano 50 on
Fruit punch
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