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"It is cold, but the jacket does not wear" diary 19 of the director

It is Christmas soon
Jesus is not in the barn yet. A little more.
"It is cold, but the jacket does not wear" diary 19 of the director

 A considerably cold day continues for these past several days. At the time of morning garden cleaning, some snow flickered, and a voice has come out unintentionally saying "it is cold".

 It was said, "I said that the person did not wear a jacket, but keep it for mother." and received the jacket of the boy from a teacher of the conducting tour in a few minutes when a bus arrived and informed the children who went down as always of the morning. A jacket is a blouson, or there is a fastener midmost, and it is in a form to put metal fittings together in a bottom, and to raise to the top. "A thin jacket will be a little than the jacket which is hard to work enough for a child. Saying a child is a child who likes an outdoor life; as for thought simply, and explained to a teacher in charge that was it by circumstances.

 The state that some girls fretted was seen this time in a few minutes near the gate. I seemed to say that, after all, I did not want to wear a jacket in the same way while a protector sent it when it approached. A teacher nearby took it with him/her to a nursery school building together saying "let's talk inside as here was cold.".

 Possibly it turned out that I might say that I did not want to wear it because I did not do the fastener of the jacket well while I talked with teachers in various ways. I thought whether you told by the expression that you did not need to wear it or did not want to wear because I could not readily explain in words well. Even we adult wears a jacket; when is cold, a hand becomes numb, and the metal fittings of the fastener may not be readily put together well.

 I opened the jacket which I just took off as morning preparations in a T-shape carefully on the floor and thought whether you felt confusion to a fastener with the resistance simply because it wanted to come to be possible by oneself while seeing the small figure which I folded hard by hand.

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