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"Diary of the director who came from the elementary school spot" 8

"Thanks for the activity of the parents' association"
The line of the straw hat. Summer clothes look cool and are good to children.
"Thanks for the activity of the parents' association"

 I knew that I came to the garden, and a parents' association supported various activities of the kindergarten at the very beginning. The purpose of the parents' association activity became that "I helped upbringing of children and the development of the garden and contributed socially", and of course the support of the cultural event of the kindergarten thought that it was fantastic that an emphasis was placed in the service-like activity including child fund Japan and the supplies support led by the welfare committee.

 But even having taken up the post formerly proofreading was so, but there seems to be the conventional place where it becomes difficult to continue working while working protectors increase. I ask "the parents' association that there is while having work" about toiu thought while I talk with parents' association chairperson this year and feel that it is connected with the theme of "the harmony of mind of the-based study and the needs in the times" that is the administration policy of the garden this year.

He/she begins the opinion adjustment such as an organizational reform and becoming paperless, the way of the lecture in April promptly. Of course I think that there are various opinions when I change the thing which followed until now. Want to look for a more desirable direction to be good for a child, a protector and the garden; think.

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