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[2022] What's New news

Meeting type
 The meeting expression that was held every year in April! It was performed this year in May. The first grader sang "a walk" in front of all the students slightly bashfully vigorously. It became the all smile in attractiveness. I was taught it about the older brother of the administration department, older sister sangani, the event of the school and a one-day flow carefully. In addition, I was taught way of forming line, the place in the morning gathering.
 Of the truth of star Elementary School of the dawn was able to join it.
The first exercises morning gathering (the upper grades)
 The first physical education morning gathering! The fourth grader is joining a group, too.
I did radio exercises. I practiced a finger-tip, a small place including the movement of the foot. Radio exercises are possible and will practice from now on beautifully definitely.

The second art time
It is creative art in the second art time.
The theme "cuts cage…You change it, and put it"
Put scissors in the origami, and clip-clip. Turn; and clip-clip. A time clip-clip. In addition, it is straight scissors clip-clip.
Turn; and is scissors clip-clip. I go out of the edge.
All two pieces of them trade with a friend. I put it on the drawing paper as thought. What do you look like? We describe it in name pen, and let's make up.
Various works were done.
First grader, second grader joint meeting
 The event that I postponed, a joint meeting were held.
I was taught it by a second grader about the elementary school including a teacher, an event, the classroom. The first grader heard it hard.
 "I was able to say the introduction sentence of the teacher at a joint meeting cool today. I was not tense at all. "
 As "he/she heard it while a first grader nods, I think that I was able to explain it well. It became the contents which should cooperate together. "
A second grader looked very reliable.

The first art time
First grader
Sixth grader
 It is the first art time this year. The first grader is a throb.
The title is "a teacher having something". The teacher in charge devised the insect cages with a textbook and the lizard and I enjoyed it and had.
[rule of the rough draft]
I use my name or a pencil of 4B - 6B.
I do not use the eraser.
There were the instructions of the point to draw saying "we paid attention to a finger to have, a wrinkle, the shadow of clothes, and let's describe it" from the teacher of arts and crafts. First graders observed teachers well, too and they concentrated on it and described it. Sixth graders got characteristics well and worked seriously. I used the skill to accept and drew shading off and a shadow before time.
 As for the next time, what do you draw in whom?

Second grader religion
A second grader religion start!
The review of what I learned in 1 annual. It is important thing in a star of the dawn.
It surrounded the school gate "all of us brothers" "statue of Maria" "statue of Jesus" together.
I appreciated what was able to start as a second grader and prayed to be able to walk all towards an aim amicably for this one year.
 "I do prayer every day. "
 "I tell a first grader it about all of us brothers. It is A kusuru for a first grader. "
 "Natural ojozuniatsukaiu. I help each other amicably with all. "
It is a reliable second grader.
Enroll; and one week
 The first grader enrolled, and one week passed. Come across a smile of one cup of spirit and is the days of thanks.
I changed into gym suit, and a vision test, the physical measurement were over smoothly, too. I found a dangerous place while doing the school exploration and learned how to handle pleasant playground equipment. In addition, the English class began, too.
 I learned how to write notebook for messages today. I was writing it in the notebook hard. You were able to show me saying "I would run well".
I am looking forward to the smile of one cup of spirit next week.

The 2022 opening ceremony
 It is a start from 2022, today.
The third April, everybody to meet in a corona evil was able to invite a new school year all together.
I met five new teachers, and the children were a throb, states of wakuwaku this year, too.
 It was talked about three that I wanted to work on more this year than the principal at the opening ceremony.
1."A" of the star of the dawn…I advance and say hello. Let's hold cheerful greetings on seeing eyes heartily.
2."Shi" of the sister…A posture. Let's straighten a posture to be made, a posture at the time of the study, the posture at the time of the meal.
3.The last is "mo"…Let's work with an aim.
 Stop three approaches in a heart, and saa! It is a start.

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