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To protectors
About the registration to the mail delivery system for child student ensuring safety measures
As the guide of "the mail delivery system for child student ensuring safety measures" came as follows from Fukuyama-shi,
You register if there are any hope, and please inflect.

I introduce a mail delivery system to share the information about the suspicious individual in the Fukuyama-shi Board of Education, and to plan the ensuring safety of the child.
The registration procedures to a mail delivery system are as follows.
In addition, I am sorry to trouble you, but the re-registration, please as the registration in the new school year, class is necessary for the person who had you register in last year.

[about registration]
The person that 1 mail delivery is hoped for, please register in reference to attached sheet 1, 2 early. In addition, the registration is possible even if it is past a date.
By two systems, I divide the city into 3 areas of the eastern part, the western part, the northern part like attached sheet 3 and can choose the area that you wish to deliver.

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