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What's New news

Announcement of closure of a school
Children of the child club of the light
By New Year holidays, I am closed during the next period.

From Saturday, December 28 to Sunday, January 5

To child, protector, all of the companies
I apologize to me for the inconvenience very much
I would like understanding and cooperation.

The new age wishes that it is a good year for all of you.

Congratulations on Christmas
Category:Daily events
Congratulations on Christmas.

In the elementary school, winter vacation begins,
It is quiet Christmas without children.

When it is December; each classroom, special classroom, corridor…In various places
Pre-Xebio (a doll and the model which expressed the state of the nativity) is displayed.

In addition, there is the decoration along the Christmas theme on the bulletin board of the classroom.

I introduce it partly.

Christmas mass
"Join it together with all the gentleness to shine"; o
Christmas of this year when I moved forward on a theme.

I greeted Frederick Father and performed Christmas mass.

I have you participate in protectors after an interval of five years,
The whole school child, protector, the staff of a school…Match a heart together
To God who always watches it
I appreciate that I can celebrate Christmas together
I gave an approach and the thanksgiving of each school year until Christmas.

Commendation ceremony
Category:Daily events
Arts and crafts department, language arts commendation ceremony (12/6)
Arts and crafts department, language arts commendation ceremony (12/6)
Winning Ikuo Hirayama Museum prize picture contest 4 consecutive years school prize
Together so rou commendation ceremony (12/16)
It is the state of the commendation ceremony held in December.

At the morning gathering of December 6,
With "the Ikuo Hirayama Museum prize picture contest" of the arts and crafts department
There was a commendation ceremony of "the Yuji Kinoshita Prize" of language arts.

In "Ikuo Hirayama Museum prize picture contest", I had a school prize for 4 consecutive years.

I work on both prizes together in summer vacation,
The making of own work which it is transmitted through to people to think
I had you admit that you did your best hard.

There is a commendation ceremony of "so rou at the morning gathering of December 16 together"
It commended ten time high ranks in the part of the upper grades.

In "so rou, each challenges own record together",
I gave all energy and have finished running.

Library room <from a library room> of the second semester
Category:Library room
[first grader] I start bingo to experience Japanese decimal classification
[second grader] This selection of of tasting reading. Popularity was concentrated in "story to throb" and "konezumitoempitsu" when I heard an impression later
[third grader] After learning "sannen mountain pass", I am reading the world and a Japanese folktale
[third grader] What does "the kanji of this year" become? I add a chosen kanji and go back until now
[fourth grader] I learn how to use "forest of the knowledge" encyclopedia. I remembered back, nail, chopsticks and others
[fourth grader] I am, and a child announcing to have discovered it for the blue character of pull and the commentary sentence of the long sound is great!
[fourth grader] It is every year, but visits after poplar Deer increase from the next day
[fourth grader] I raised the impression and pulled "a basketball" when I told the scroll of the index as I was earnest
[fifth grader] It is a dragon that breaks it while seeing a book for taking a lunch break rest, adults of the rainy day. I love origami!
[sixth grader] The making of selection of book of the Book Talk, manuscript
It is autumn of reading, the state of the library room of the second semester.

"A kanji of this year" to express social conditions of 2024,
I was announced on "the day of the kanji" of December 12 (good character one character).
It was "the money" which became the fifth this year.

When I put a board beforehand and have children write in expectation and a reason,
High country, wish, rice, uproar, Sakae, flat beginning, total four, mi… I came out a lot.
There was the child who looked back on own one year, and wrote it.

There is the proverb "that the child grows up into on seeing the back of the parent",
Children see a figure and an activity of we adult really well,
I have own thought and thought.

"The country" which the next year "is flat", and is the sum gets "Sakae", and it be in a year with a rare "wish" "non-", to come.

Christmas card <second grader>
Category:Daily events
I handed a card to the person who delivered a delivery lunch and had you please!
A second grader sent a Christmas card to the staff room this morning.

"I do it, and always thank you for 0 0.
 We are looking forward to hearing from you."
He/she handed a card while saying this.

A heartfelt handmade card was very nice.

Graduation production <sixth grader>
Category:The upper grades,Daily events
Work outside the graduation production of the sixth grader began.
While adjusting a certain 41st graduate graduation production behind the arch of the rose this year
I add it and make their works.

I help you, and it is had last year today by Kodera of the parents' association that was taken care of
I did work to pile up a brick using concrete.

There is much work under the wintry sky every year
It was warm and seemed to be easy to work today.

Let's run together
I start lively!
I did my best well! I get a seal
Go for it, do the best ...; ...
A last spurt!
I came for a lot of support
"Let's run together" which was one of the items of the athletic meet
Of this year when renewed it, and was performed "let's run together".

Distance and how to work on to run change
Each one sets own aim time
Run for each time group divided sequentially
I challenged own record.

The lower grades, the upper grades look at each other's runs
I supported you in a loud voice.

Protectors came for a lot of support, too.

Was the run that personal best time was over in a public performance possible?

Christmas homage <book part>
Category:Daily events,Library room
I display Garland and POP at the entrance
Though it is not borrowed very much, this is interesting! I introduce a book thinking of this with POP
When the book which oneself introduced is borrowed from somebody, I am glad
I reuse the acrylic screen which I did not use anymore!
I made the poster of the trivia including the origin of the Christmas tree
I display it in the hall
For "buying with gloves" talked, and did a meeting
It is public relations by broadcast in wanting you to come a lot
As it was a long talk, I divided it into twice of the latter half for taking a lunch break rest for a great break in the first half
"It was interesting! A first grader said, I want to see it with a smile next week
This year from three of the "POP" (pop) "poster" "story-telling,"
I was divided into the group for the hope of the person and worked.

While an event being much time, but managing time, and helping each other
I try hard to enliven a reading activity of the campus.

Christmas homage <fifth grader>
Category:The upper grades,Daily events
A fifth grader visited the kindergarten in homage of Christmas.

He/she was looking forward to it,
I showed a song and a drama in front of kindergarteners.

For this day, I thought about a script and set up small tools and practiced.

I was glad that I was pleased very much.

I had the letter of cute thanks on the way home.

Thank you for your kodomoenfukatsunominasama.

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