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The latest information (2022)

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[astronomical observation society] I carry this out

Category:News,Middle and high schools
I carried out the observation party of the first heavenly bodies show in 442 years.
By the cooperation of all of you of "the Fukuyama ass fatty tuna club", I was able to show the Saturn and the Jupiter other than a brown total eclipse of the moon to be dyed this time, too. The students were states of the delight for the heavenly bodies show of Riki Osako that I could not usually see, too.

[peace walk] I carry this out [mountain peace laboratory boiling over]

Category:News,High school,Four years
"The peace walk" that the mountain peace laboratory which boiled over hosted was held.
The students continue working around Fukuyama-shi human rights peace museum saying "I learn and think about peace and will send it widely". Learn about Fukuyama air raid of 1945 while hearing Matsuwaki, Taniguchi of four years (in the first year of high school), explanation of Danjo, to peace faced you, and was able to think about together.

[mini-open school] I hold this

Category:Event,Middle and high schools
Blessed with weather, I held mini-open school.
Through a public class and visit to campus, I was able to have the atmosphere of the star of the everyday dawn fully feel. On the next time, I am going to hold it on Saturday, November 19. All the student, the staff of a school look forward to your visit to a school.

[occasion rose] World rose meeting

Category:News,Middle and high schools
From Thursday, October 27 to Thursday, November 3, "the 19th world rose meeting" was held in Adelaide in Australia.
Through Fukuyama-shi, "an occasion rose" and "the message card" which a student of our school handcrafted were presented by visitors. Next "the 20th world rose meeting" is held in Fukuyama-shi in 2025.

[synthesis] I visit the Holocaust Memorial [one year]

Category:Junior high school,One year
The first grader deepens learning under the theme of "a life" by composite learning.
I visited "the Holocaust Memorial" in Miyukicho, Fukuyama-shi last week (10/29). I thought about what was need to value the life of not only oneself but also others from way of Anne Frank who died throughout the tragedy which happened in Europe about 80 years ago and a short life of 15 years old of life.
Institute of educational foundation Fukuyama Akenohoshi
3-4-1, Nishifukatsucho, Fukuyama-shi, Hiroshima
TEL.084-922-1682 (academy direct)
FAX.084-925-1533 (academy direct)
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