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Completion type

Monday, March 20, 2023

After a closing ceremony, a third grader held a completion type.
I finished all the courses of the junior high school which was compulsory education, and an identification of completion was handed by the principal. There were the surprises from a student to all the teachers, and, after the expression, a heartwarming message and bouquet were given from all the school years to Mr. Yamane by a student.
Institute of educational foundation Fukuyama Akenohoshi
3-4-1, Nishifukatsucho, Fukuyama-shi, Hiroshima
TEL.084-922-1682 (academy direct)
FAX.084-925-1533 (academy direct)
※ About the individual inquiry
I would like it at the following.

(junior high school, high school)
(elementary school)
(nursery school)
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