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The latest information (2020)

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[parents' association] I carry out curriculum guidance [four years]

Category:High school,Four years,Parents' association
I carried out the curriculum guidance of the fourth grader (high 1) yesterday (10/22).
It became the various contents including the explanation about the curriculum about latest information about the new university entrance exam and course choice of the next fiscal year. In addition, I displayed the work of "the ceramic art experience" that I performed by orientation of the first semester in the classroom in front of the hall, and protectors saw it. Mr. Yoshihiro Kayama of "the incense God kiln" which was taken care of, thank you very much.

[eight sums bloom lily]

Category:Middle and high schools,Parents' association
I had "eight sums bloom lily" the other day from 髙kyoyo of the protector chairperson.
When a bud opens, the lily softens with excellent vitality and strong spiritual strength from ancient times, and it seems to be said that it comprises the calming effect to heal it at the same time. I display these "eight sums bloom lily" in the visitor's room in front of the front entrance. On a visit to a school, please see it by all means.

[the anniversary of the founding] The 72nd anniversary

Category:Important!,Middle and high schools
Institute of Fukuyama Akenohoshi reached the 72nd anniversary of the foundation today.
I continued practicing the cause of a student and a protector, a class reunion and the understanding of local all of you and the cooperation, classic girl education. Social, in the present age to have various natural disasters by the warming of the earth and various problems including a menace, war and the racial discrimination of the virus, open an antenna and aim at upbringing of the woman with the power that is just demanded, and this academy will continue a still new challenge.

[closure of a school] Of this news [the anniversary of the founding]

Category:Important!,Middle and high schools
(10/20) is closed for the anniversary of the founding (foundation 72) of Institute of Fukuyama Akenohoshi tomorrow.
In the case of urgent business, please contact the monastery in the academy.

[composite learning] I visit the Holocaust Memorial [one year]

Category:Junior high school,One year
The first grader deepens learning under the theme of "a life" by composite learning.
I visited "the Holocaust Memorial" in Miyukicho, Fukuyama-shi as the part last week (10/17). I was made to think about what was need to value the life of not only oneself but also others by way of Anne Frank who left the world throughout the tragedy which happened in Europe about 80 years ago and a short life of 15 years old of life.
Makoto Otsuka of the director met father Otto of the period and asked you about the hot thought that led to establishment in this memorial. In addition, I could observe the memorial while asking you about the careful explanation of volunteer people and was able to learn terror to "be connected in the cruelty that imminent discrimination and prejudice neglected a life".
Institute of educational foundation Fukuyama Akenohoshi
3-4-1, Nishifukatsucho, Fukuyama-shi, Hiroshima
TEL.084-922-1682 (academy direct)
FAX.084-925-1533 (academy direct)
※ About the individual inquiry
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