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[the spring district entirety] Championship [exercises]

Category:News,Junior high school
Four people participated in a general physical education meet in Fukuyama district Junior High School spring held on Saturday, May 29 and put excellent results.


Part first place score 100.75 of the women's team synthesis

Part first place score 46.20 of the women's individual synthesis

・Riko Ishida (two years)  First place score 46.20

・Riko Nose (three years)  Second place score 39.85

・fuji﨑yui (one year)  Third place score 38.15 ・Tomoka Ono (one year)  Fourth place score 35.90

 Part according to the item

・Riko Ishida (two years)
  Vault first place score 12.25
  Balance beam first place score 11.80

[LHR] Corporate access [three years]

Category:Junior high school,Three years
A third grader works on corporate access (education and search company).
This activity challenged the new face training of each company where I made an entry in STEP6. I gave a presentation on the company which each checked in a class and was able to share the information of each group. Next STEP is a pleasure.

[the setting sun after rain]

Category:Middle and high schools
Of yesterday is one piece that photographed at the front entrance after school.
After having canceled the leaving school of the students who finished an activity after school, the beautiful setting sun dyed a school building red. Light to grow straight from the setting sun setting over there of the mountain lets a somewhat unusual atmosphere feel.

[LHR] SOCIAL CHANGE [two years]

Category:Junior high school,Two years
This theme "will help the person who is in trouble!" I do it in this.
I raised people who were in trouble who knew it in the person who was in trouble whom there was close and news and a net and faced you as the person concerned for this social problem and gave opinions about a solution to help you by a team. An active opinion flies while I dig into a problem and is doing new discovery. I found the new one side of the friend and I researched it while enjoying the process when own opinion was dug into more and more and worked. At the next time, I challenge the presentation of this theme.

[synthesis] Desired reason book [six years]

Category:High school,Six years
In time for synthesis of the other day, a sixth grader (in the third year of high school) learned about the form of the desired reason book. I reflected own choice motive for the university entrance exam some other time and seem to have been able to reconfirm importance to tell a partner clearly. I turn achievement of each desired course and push forward step by one step.
Institute of educational foundation Fukuyama Akenohoshi
3-4-1, Nishifukatsucho, Fukuyama-shi, Hiroshima
TEL.084-922-1682 (academy direct)
FAX.084-925-1533 (academy direct)
※ About the individual inquiry
I would like it at the following.

(junior high school, high school)
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