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The latest information (2021)

<2020 | 2022 > |

[person in charge activity] I call the whole school [person in charge of public morals]

Category:Middle and high schools
The student in charge of public morals performed the whole school broadcast for the lunch break.
I settled the result of the questionnaire that I performed beforehand and appealed for the cooperation to the infectious disease measures that it was possible for in everyday school life. The intensive measures period of Hiroshima is expired in the present days, but each one will continue an approach to follow the health of all, and to be able to spend all in peace.

[entrance examination] I publish a recruitment of students essential point

Category:Important!,Middle and high schools
I published a recruitment of entrance examination students essential point in 2022.
The information about the entrance examination is this↓
   High school

<junior high school>
 [application period]
   From Wednesday, December 1 to 11th Saturday
 [examination day]
   Sunday, December 19 aptitude test type
     Thursday, January 6 subject type

<high school>
 [application period]
     From Wednesday, January 5 to 7th Friday
 [examination day]
     Monday, January 17

[display] Citrus ribbon [two years]

Category:News,Junior high school,Two years
The ribbon which a second grader handcrafted is displayed in the Fukuyama-shi human rights peace museum.
I get rid of discrimination and the prejudice of the corona evil, and "the citrus ribbon project" that a second grader works on aims at the town planning that all are livable. The plan exhibition called "new coronavirus infectious disease and human rights to see for a newspaper report" was performed at the museum, and what I donated ribbon to before became the relationship, and this display realized it now.

[entrance examination briefing session] Cram school, public junior high school

Category:Event,Middle and high schools
On Friday, October 8, I carried out a cram school and the entrance examination briefing session for the teachers of the public junior high school.
It was the performance of the flute trio and the screening of the video of "the story of the beginning of star of the dawn", education contents, various contents including the announcement about the entrance examination. I had many teachers visit a school, and thank you very much while you're busy.

[synthesis] Career education [one year]

Category:Junior high school,One year
In time for synthesis, a first grader performed "an occupation study" as a career education.
I thought about "a new occupation" by checking a certain various occupations, and putting it together and just announced in all the members. Many ideas were born and, about an occupation to be required in society in the future, were able to deepen a thought together.
Institute of educational foundation Fukuyama Akenohoshi
3-4-1, Nishifukatsucho, Fukuyama-shi, Hiroshima
TEL.084-922-1682 (academy direct)
FAX.084-925-1533 (academy direct)
※ About the individual inquiry
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(junior high school, high school)
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