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The latest information (2021)

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[the term end examination] I carry this out

Category:Middle and high schools
I carry out examining it in the whole school in the term end from this week.
Cold wind was hard one day of the blowing cold today. Let's do our best with every effort till the last to be able to use up that I learned for this second semester.

[synthesis] Ability experience [three years]

Category:Junior high school,Three years
A third grader went out for an on-site training of "the ability" that was traditional culture in Japan.
I visited "the Kita school Oshima Noh theater" in Konanchou, and it was this year at the time valuable at all including the experience of the model of a Noh device, the dances such as the story about a No-mask or the noh stage and an ability pipe or the small hand drum.

[the Advent] But, I start

Category:Event,Middle and high schools
I call four weeks until Christmas the Advent in Catholicism and spend time while praying until yes birth.
At the yesterday's online morning gathering, fire was turned on of the first candle as an opening of the Advent. I will walk each day until Christmas carefully while looking back on an approach from the Holy Mother moon performed in May.

[LHR] Dementia support lecture [two years]

Category:Junior high school,Two years
The second grader participated in "the dementia supporter training lecture" that Fukuyama-shi area inclusion support center carried out.
I learned about symptoms such as the function of brain or defects of memory or the practice dysfunction and was able to deepen understanding about dementia. In addition, I cooperated with the shooting of "the west Fukatsu school district orijinarufureiru prevention video" to use in a public hall or a local place to stay.

[graduation name] I announce this

Category:High school,Six years
A graduation name "meeting of sanka" was given a sixth grader (in the third year of high school) who reached graduation this year by the principal.
After the fashion of Maria's way of life, it is the light of the star as san* to regain peace and gorgeous daily life filled with hope in the present age when there is this occlude feeling, and a request that I want it to be is loaded people who can give people power and joy to live in today with.
Institute of educational foundation Fukuyama Akenohoshi
3-4-1, Nishifukatsucho, Fukuyama-shi, Hiroshima
TEL.084-922-1682 (academy direct)
FAX.084-925-1533 (academy direct)
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(junior high school, high school)
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