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The latest information (before 2016)

2017 > |

I performed a live parents' association for first grader .2 years.

Category:Junior high school
   Many protectors came in the cold. Thank you. In addition, I appreciate that I repeat the cooperation to "a Tohoku reconstruction aid mini-bazaar".

I held "a Tohoku reconstruction aid mini-bazaar".

Category:Middle and high schools
   I held "a northeastern reconstruction aid bazaar" at "a memorial festival bazaar" of September. I held this "Tohoku reconstruction aid mini-bazaar" by saying to value a connection at that time.
  Annual "Mikhail festival" is carried out tomorrow in the Catholic Church (and Chuo, Fukuyama-shi library is horizontal immediately and walks from Fukuyama Station ten minutes) on Sunday on 19th.

I decide the cover of the junior high school classbook.

Category:Junior high school
  The student of the third grader collects a sentence or a photograph, illustrations and makes the classbook of the junior high school.

I performed "a farewell party".

Category:High school
 In front of a graduation ceremony, I told the feeling of the thanks for the sixth grader in music, video visit, a dance, conte. Finally, I sang (kiroro) with all the current students (high school student) to "the future" and saw off a sixth grader by applause.
> To the page of the event

I performed a sixth grader "decider lecture".

Category:High school
The course decider of the sixth grader attends "the decider lecture". It is the third, "action" this time. Including Mr. Kamiya bowing with forefingers together was warm, and tell me.
  The second was "a cooking classroom" so that "so ran up student life "practical use calligraphy" as for the first in peace".
Institute of educational foundation Fukuyama Akenohoshi
3-4-1, Nishifukatsucho, Fukuyama-shi, Hiroshima
TEL.084-922-1682 (academy direct)
FAX.084-925-1533 (academy direct)
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