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Before 2016 annual event

Junior high school, high school entrance examination briefing session

I held a junior high school, a high school entrance examination briefing session.
[entrance examination briefing session]
(1) The principal Michiharu Yamaguchi "education policy of the school"
(2) School affairs manager Katsuhiko Nakazato "education contents, curriculum"
(3) The vocational counseling manager Yoko Aoyama "course situation"
(4) Entrance examination public information manager Tatsunori Nishihara "entrance examination" (contents for change)
[school introduction]
By the school in the junior high school introduction, I announced the chorus by the third grader. In addition, I had the protector of the graduate cooperate and had you talk from various angles about a star of the dawn.
There was explanation about the charm of the star of the dawn from a student, the graduate of the principal school by the school in the high school introduction. I talked about about various places and the school life of a junior high student, the protector afterwards while holding the tea ceremony.
[school introduction (junior high school)]
Chorus by the third grader
[entrance examination briefing session]
Than a vocational counseling manager about the course situation.
[entrance examination briefing session]
Than an entrance examination public information manager about entrance examination this year.
[school introduction (high school)]
Of the star of the dawn by the student of the principal school is; cousin best 3!
[school introduction (high school)]
About having learned in a star of the dawn by the student who graduated in April of this year.
[school introduction (high school)]
Let's make a tea break with a senior!
A primary schoolchild, a junior high student, the protectors who went to visit the principal school, thank you very much while weather was bad. I am looking forward to entrance examination of January and being able to meet all of you in a star of the dawn in April of the next fiscal year.
Institute of educational foundation Fukuyama Akenohoshi
3-4-1, Nishifukatsucho, Fukuyama-shi, Hiroshima
TEL.084-922-1682 (academy direct)
FAX.084-925-1533 (academy direct)
※ About the individual inquiry
I would like it at the following.

(junior high school, high school)
(elementary school)
(nursery school)
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