The latest information (2024)
[junior high school entrance ceremony, high school entrance ceremony] I guide you of this
Category:Event,Junior high school,High school
To new pupil protectors
Congratulations on the junior high school of the young lady, the entrance to school to the high school. I am sincerely pleased.
Therefore, as I will hold an entrance ceremony as follows, he/she attends by all means and guides you to bless entrance to school.
[junior high school]
The date and time: Saturday, April 6, 2024 9:30 open type
※The new pupil, please attend school by 9:10.
A place: The third floor of our school hall
Please park the privately-owned car in the medium- and high-levels ground.
A reception desk: The first floor of our school hall 8:40 ...
※The new pupil enters the classroom of the first grader. Wait for the protector in a hall.
[high school]
The date and time: Saturday, April 6, 2024 13:30 open type
※The new pupil, please attend school by 13:10.
A place: The third floor of our school hall
Please park the privately-owned car in the medium- and high-levels ground.
A reception desk: The first floor of our school hall 12:40 ...
※The new pupil enters the classroom of the fourth grader. Wait for the protector in a hall.