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Story of the principal

To new age
 A Happy New Year. I am surprised at a day not passing so since Christmas of December of the front of it on reaching 2013.
  Because the LDP bloomed a second time in the government after an interval of three years, weak yen advances, and it seems to be the new year filled with hope politically. However, it is just over only for wishful thinking. Whether does a nuclear plant accident provide the person whom damage and influence and most of the radioactivity evacuate to as which according to the word to "forget heat if a throat is over?" It becomes terrible when I hear the remark that such a thing is forgotten all too soon.
  I went to Osaka to hear a lecture with F teacher the other day. It was a lecture of a Hideo Sawada (sawadahideo) of Nagasaki Huis Ten Bosch's president. While management of Huis Ten Bosch is left, various people were able to never have the black for 18 years, but he is an evaluated person big as a successful person for a profitability in one year. It was somewhat mysterious that the atmosphere of the venue changed only by being stood in the platform.
  I listened only to very few things at the one-hour lecture. So it was the book which was interesting so as to be on the way, and not to be able to stop it when I bought a book called this "technique to get luck" that Sawada gave (Shogakukan) and began to read it. It was after a long absence and got spirit.
  "I think that confidence is important to be what kind of work. You fail and may stand. You should start it again again reflectively, and the new thing comes only out of failure. , both penishirinn and the electric bulb were caught even in LED by an end of the mountainous failure; "the failure is not shame. Because the lie is actually enough without confidence for uneasiness, we believe oneself, and let's work with confidence. And the word that I would light because the lie was enough was very fresh, and I thought that there seemed to be it right now.
  And the aim that I said to an employee was great. I thought that it was impossible and made the person who heard saying lose a motivation even if I usually thought about ideas to "exceed Disneyland" how or it might be only the enumeration of utter indifference-like words, but there was a third dimension strangely when I heard it as words of this. "Possibly I was made feel is it what I could exceed if it was this person?".
  "How should I change the situation before eyes now to exceed Disneyland? And confidence follows you if a good result begins to appear even in a small thing commencing with improvement. It produces the next confidence before long and becomes the big power to draw success to. In the guidelines on aim called this being drawn, I feel the strength that I do not say with a groundless feeling.
  It was the contents which were made to do by a feeling to have only an insufficient thing pointed out by oneself, but was the lecture that thought that it was necessary to remind you of a heart to stare at really humbly own skimpiness and a heart to learn more in oneself.
Principal Michiharu Yamaguchi
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