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Story of the principal

My guidepost 2
 A question whether "chose the way of the father who was why" at a study session of the first Bible appeared the other day. While I am up as one of the child (it is said with attendant <jisha> by the church term) who serves an altar at time of the upper grades of the primary schoolchild when I recall it every day at half past 5 in summer vacation and go out in the mass of the church, I see the drama instruction to people of the taste of conduct and the song of a father at that time and the young man, and what have begun to think, "I want to become a Catholic priest" is like the opportunity entering this way without thinking about own talent.
  There is the memory that father is woken up at half past 5 in summer vacation because mother was an earnest believer when it is spring vacation for winter vacation, and went to the church every day. There is still an event becoming warmhearted in a memory in particular. It was winter. It was cold so as to think that it was the probably in the morning negative temperature that snow was left. Mother made a sound in a kitchen and was doing something. I have slept again afterwards.
  When I was woken up by mother, I washed a face and changed my clothes and was time whether or not I was in time for time to get on a bus. It was the time when a house did not have the washing machine without TV yet in those days. Of course there was not the convenient thing that hot water came out when I turned a faucet.
  I put a hand in the washbowl which mother set up while expecting that it would be the water of the washbowl of the coldness that I cut a hand. It was not warm, but lukewarm water not to be cold entered. And the towel which he/she gave more which washed the face with the water was dry, but was a warm warm towel.
  There is the word surprise, but feels that it might be a surprise of the love of mother definitely. It is not to be able to cover only that mother is up earlier and prepared. In that way I think that by little might lead me to the way of the father.
    There was a telephone in the monastery from mother right before it was finally done holy orders (*) by a Catholic priest.
    Mother "can bear you as a father till the last?"
    I "what kind of thing"
    "Therefore mother come home if she does not seem to be able to bear you."
    I though "will become a father in a month. Saying what now"
    Mother "but will be in trouble if is not good. Therefore I looked for work."
    I, "you know, is what decided by oneself because think for a long time, and still wanted to live as a Catholic priest."
    The stepmother hung up. It might be just the thing which tried my determination when I looked back.
However, I think that the power of mother in the first part of my life is grand.
     *With the holy orders, I point to the ceremony for it to be to a deacon, a Catholic priest, the bishop performed in an official procedure in the Catholic Church.

Principal Michiharu Yamaguchi
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