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The latest information (2017)

I participate in a national convention [diving]

From Thursday, August 17, 2017 to 19th Saturday
The 57th whole country Junior High School swimming championship
[a venue: Kamoike, Kagoshima-shi park natatorium]
Three years Aoi Takada
●Women's springboard diving (247.35 points)
●Girls' high school diving (250.40 points)
I worked on an exercise without taking a rest in the summer vacation and participated in a meeting with every effort.
I did my best in Takada, the truth well! Thank you! 

I participate in N kon [koro suterura]

Wednesday, August 9, 2017
NHK whole country school eisteddfod
Hiroshima contest
[a venue: Kure-shi culture hall]
I cooperated together and, in short time, worked on an exercise. In the public performance, I sang hard heartily. I undertook accompaniment, and thank you very much Mr. Nishida who participated in an exercise while you're busy.
●Part of the junior high school
From, "oh, I break it off insect" for a female chorus and a piano
Lullaby of the polestar
●Part of the high school
From "the prayer to the Holy Mother" for female choruses
Ave Regina coelorum (that happy, Queen of the sky) 

I publish it in "the child fund Japan"

Category:Middle and high schools
 A state of "high school student volunteer award 2017" held Saitama Super Arena on 10th on August 9 is published in the homepage of the child fund Japan.
Please see it by all means.

I participate in "dream, future project 2017"

Category:Junior high school
Saturday, August 19, 2017
Dream, future project 2017
Let's talk! A dream the future! Presentation meet
[the mountain where citizens of Hiroshima Cultural Center blows to a venue]
By the event that Fukuyama-shi carried out for three years, ten sets of junior high students were chosen from much application of 343 this year. One of the inside is Okazaki beauty Sora of three years.
Okazaki talked about the dream "that I wanted to describe hard time and the picture which had you get well even a little when you were hard" in. Okubo Shigeki of the host said, too, but surely changes in the future if not only I imagine a dream, but also eat it.
We support a dream of Okazaki. Go for it, it is Okazaki! 

I hold the second open school

Category:Middle and high schools
Institute of educational foundation Fukuyama Akenohoshi
3-4-1, Nishifukatsucho, Fukuyama-shi, Hiroshima
TEL.084-922-1682 (academy direct)
FAX.084-925-1533 (academy direct)
※ About the individual inquiry
I would like it at the following.

(junior high school, high school)
(elementary school)
(nursery school)
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