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[2019] What's New news

Class (third grader) of the health
In the classroom of the third grader, a school nurse performed a class of the health.
The theme of the class "oneself discovery!"
"I praised it and praised it, and the cause of the appeal "which I would find a friend and a place good each other" wrestled for a shower" game.
I become a duo and exchange a good place each other and receive a heart-shaped card written it.
In the middle of a game, the children are smiles like a photograph with a smile!
The children conveyed the good place of the friend positively!
In addition, the children noticed the importance of "knowing own good point some other time, and accepting oneself" through the warm message of a game and the school nurse.
At this time to be said to be gang age, I learn the relation with the friend through various classes and experience.
I want you to notice children being "existence loved from both God and all" in that.
With such thought, with all the staff pustule is to the children spending the time when the third and fourth grades of elementary school are important.
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