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Diary 27 of the director "a mask, afterwards"

Category:Director diary
"Meeting, it is still kana ・・"
"Mask afterwards ・・ of wearing it"
 When it is terrible, and goes out to be used, I bring myself to have still left a thing when I do not put a mask. Originally I could not have it, but, after all, time may suffer from the mask to return the custom that I continued for several years.
 Besides, it is one of the new reasons that is totally different in the situation inside and outside the kindergarten.
 As there are a lot of things handed down by the movement of an expression and the mouth, an evil is not taking place, or some raises the worry with growth and the development of the children who wear a mask for these past several years with it is always an educational front, and were brought up.
 Everybody almost wears a mask in the commuter train as ever, but hits a childcare activity without teachers hardly wearing a mask in the kindergarten. But, in shokuinshurei of the evening, I am often doing all mask.
In the junior and senior high school students, they feel uncomfortable turning up rather than the infection prevention, and people putting it rather positively seem to be.
 In the director of private kindergarten society of Fukuyama-shi of the other day, there were not the instructions in particular, but all the members were perfect mask look. But, by the meeting in the academy, there are many people who do not wear a mask.
 I wear a mask first of all and am coping now not to give worry toward the mask group when there is a visitor. It may be thought that there is not independence of will, but, for a director, has the days that I touch it and take it off so far in conformity to the other party where I met.
 In a variety of society, I thought that a lot of correct answers might be correct what was a correct answer, but the letter of the correspondence as the garden that I distributed at the turning point might have been incomprehensible to consider it toward various position. Even an adult seems to be different from a child in the situation.
 By the events, I do not return it before merely corona, and it is demanded that the thing which changed pushes forward a plan in the good form while making use.
 I may occupy a natural form soon. I want to judge it with independence of will and sense of cooperation.

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