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A bud class for "somebody…"

Category:Daily events
 The children of the bud class. Anyway, "I am alone, and the feelings that I want to do" seem to overflow saying which "it wants to come to be possible better "will do 0 0" which "I want to do 0 0" today when I see a state of the recent work if I do it yesterday because it was fun".
 So that oneself can do "the exercise of the everyday life" of the montessori education by oneself…Environment is prepared for in this. Oneself comes to be able to do it little by little in the environment and begins to have confidence for own power, and the world of children spreads to the outside. And the children who can have own power for oneself, and there is not it, and want to use it for somebody. In the bud class, a lot of such children are seen.
I arrange a flower in a vase.
It is very important for children where you display it. As for N, all ate snacks and displayed a lunch in the desk to eat. N was satisfactory mind on seeing the state that everybody ate on the desk.
After having done tidying up of the work, I prepare a new towel for the next person. The beginning called out, but prepares naturally now even if nothing says.
The wet floor is a mop; neatly.
Ironing of the lunch mat which I washed.
He/she puts the lunch mat which an iron ended in the shelf for a friend eating snacks.
I prepare for the tea break of the friend.
Time when, "thank you", a friend says looks gladdest.
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