The 66th entering a kindergarten type
Category:Kindergarten event
I held the 66th entering a kindergarten type on April 8. Children of Shinnyu that did going to kindergarten with the house and an expression tense a little hand in hand in a new uniform. The child who was called in the expression, and answered in a loud voice "yes!", a child to give only a hand to bashfully varied. I did a toy of "I keep up what in guchokipa" on the way, but when I was soft-headed, and it was possible for ice cream with a stone, I had a stir from a venue, and it was in an atmosphere peaceful a little. It is finally a start of the kindergarten life. If a gentle older brother, older sister are in trouble, he/she helps you. I think that there are a lot of uneasy things, but I find the daily thing that is one, and was fun and pray you that I want you to return with a smile.