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Birthday party born in 4.5.6 month

In the kindergarten, there was the first birthday party this year today.
The children make going to kindergarten, and is immediate, "today tanjokaidayone" to with a smile.
Is isolated, and is isolated, and is heated; is heated, seemed to have been waiting.
It could not gather altogether, but seemed to be able to spend happy time each in a class☻
The Class violet came to have a big eight friends.
For a magic show interest deeply!
The Class rose came to have a big 12 friends.
I was able to announce it in a loud voice.
"The next swelled with any creature kana ..." "obtaining buttocks of the breath" of the rewind picture.
The group which worked came to have a big nine friends.
In pepusato, I knew the origin of the Star Festival.
The Class lily came to have a big seven friends.
I enjoyed a quiz in "... which was a secret animal"!
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