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Christmas society

Sunday and Christmas society were held on Saturday, December 14, 15th. The children could announce the result that I practiced and looked glad.
3 years old child
Toy ♪ A flower blooms
Dance ♪ What kind of color is not crowded
I employed a lot of bodies and danced
Young child
Chorus ♪ yukittenagagutsusukidatte
Chorus ♪ tenshinoutau Christmas
Song, ensemble ♪ Nice Christmas ♪ Cha-cha of the toy
It is always a child
Keyboard harmonica * ♪ dongurisansoramamesannoochi et al.
Drama "dozono chair"
Song during the drama ♪ chikyutomodachi
Older child
Chorus ♪ tenchinohajime
Than Saint drama "birth of Jesus" the scene of the divine message
Dance of the doctor
Chorus ♪ The glow rear
Part of the prayer
Candle service
I spent time of the prayer with protectors
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