The latest information (2024)
[achievement of the student] The bathing charges that cooperated with a local public bath
Category:Middle and high schools
The sale of the product that Kiho Sugimura of our school fifth grader (in the second year of high school) cooperated with a local super public bath as part of an activity of "STUily" began.
"STUily" was the project that began from the thought "that high school students in Fukuyama-shi wanted to prepare the place to stay of the student into in a town", and Sugimura continued working as Fukuyama festival vice-practice chairperson "of" STUily sub project manager, us this year.
"The bathing charges of the package which Sugimura designed in super public bath yurara (Minamihonjo-cho) that a high school student of Fukuyama cooperated with a local public bath" are sold. In addition, I received the interview about process before leading to sale or the thought that I put.