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Story of the principal

About Paul's way of life
 Paul is always in the origin of own priesthood. Paul is a longed-for person for me throughout the life. For several times, I want to talk from a viewpoint for me about Paul from now on.
The existence of Paul is too grand in the process that Christianity spreads out all over the world. It is the person who lived a life as heterogeneous existence in the first church. Then what kind of person would Paul be?
   Paul receives the punishment of the artifact of a severed head for the Christian propagation throughout a life of - 67 around A.D. in Rome visiting Asia Minor, Greece, Rome finally. Not only it is Christianity history, the first great scholar, author and a preacher, but also, in Judaism to have the history that is older than Christianity, occupies the position where is unique as the law and a traditional critic. Paul has been evaluated as one of the best thinkers in the world thought history. When his thought is evaluated, the history shows that Christianity itself greatly opened.
   The origin of his thought is "Jesus Christ". I was devoted to the role as the introducer of Christ and lived. Paul originally belonged to the F re-rhinoceros group of the Judaism, but I got reverted, and streamed down the Gospel of Christ in the large world of the Mediterranean Sea coast from the small area called Palestine and clarified a way to the help of all humankind including the foreigner.
   He easily spoke a life of Paul, but he speaks Christian essence leaving many letters in the New Testament in a life. I cannot think without reading a letter of Paul if I intend to know Christianity.
   I have time of the religion even if I become the principal and teach it. I talk about Christian essence using the Bible this year in the same way as last year. There is only one being always thinking in spite of being the talk. It is that I want to talk about Christ who Paul ruins such passion, and wanted to tell to a student with the same enthusiasm.
   Paul was born in tarusosu of drill Kia and I studied in the shrine attached school of Jerusalem at 20-year-old time and learned Old Testament and Law of Moses from famous law bachelor Gamaliel, and it was a religionist of the law. The worship in the shrine and observance of the law were the most important for him. That is why the new teaching of yes profaned God and felt that I bewildered people.
   Therefore he borrows power and the power of the Judaism instructor to be able to have and begins to persecute Christianity. It was Paul on the day when what was present at the place of the martyrdom of Stephano who became the first martyr of the Christian, and kept the jacket of the persecutor was young.
   It is that nobody is thought about to play a role that Paul gets reverted and introduces Christ into. This is because strictness and passion for the Judaism that such a thing is not thought about at all are seen in Paul. (follow)
Principal Michiharu Yamaguchi
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