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Story of the principal

My guidepost 3
  For more than three years of my studying abroad, I talk facing oneself in loneliness for the first time and think that it was the time when I have begun to think about way of oneself of life deeply. Of course I did not think about priesthood and think that it was the first time when I have begun to think about the way of life as Catholic priest in the future. It is foreign land called Italy to have been able to face oneself at a limit, and the words may be because it was the place that the culture is different in.
 I went to "the spirituality divinity" of Pontifical Gregorian University (Society of Jesus). There were a class and an examination in Italian that, by the way, was very severe to need half of the Italian students. In despair at oneself, it had dream that was in trouble many times without anything being able to answer at the time of examination many times on the examination previous night, and it continued not to be able to sleep. I saw that time in a dream for some reason for nearly one month after I took office as the principal.
  The last examination that I am surrounded by seven professors including a sense of fear, a chairperson when I swatted the door of the professor room with dictionary of the Latin and the second Vatican council official document complete works of Italian at the last examination (master's degree examination). It is said to be "Congraturazioni" (congratulations) from a chairperson and remembers that a sense of relief and hope to "be able to return to Japan" "that were over in this" were born in having appeared in an absentminded brain clearly, but what I do not learn at all is mysterious what kind of examination you received.
  When the studying abroad looks back, I learn many matters and meet many people and think that it was realized how oneself knows nothing. As well as study, I was made to notice that it was the alone foreigner whom oneself also came to through a poor person, the person who suffered, the encounter with people of the emigrant from person Africa troubled with, the interchange with people of the Gypsy from the Far East in the difference in culture and lifestyle intensely.
There was a class called "Oriental spirituality" in the class of two years of the graduate school and took a class of "the yoga" and the class of "Zen". Many students flocked from each place in Europe and gathered the students more than 300. When many students know that I am a Japanese, I hear it with "is realization provided if I sit down how many days?". It was being disappointed in the face which I did when I replied, "I do not understand me as I did the Zen meditation for the first time".
   I did not know why Oriental spirituality was so popular till the last. However, it seemed to be reliable only that most of them demanded "reliable peace and peace without changing" as a human being in the deep place of the heart.
  Through Jesus's way of life, I am thinking now while conveying the way of life as the true human being through way of life of Maria when it gives life more to take in the valuable spirituality that there is in the traditional culture of the country each and should be informed breath and forward way of life that I did.

Principal Michiharu Yamaguchi
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