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Story of the principal

May with Maria
  I celebrate May in the Catholic Church as a month of the Virgin Mary. It is called that each us can live after the fashion of the Virgin Mary in May when it is filled with fetish lives and is full of the fresh green.
 The Bible does not have so many it, but various Maria is shown. The mother Maria who stands still in Maria living in trust to God, a mother looking for lost own child, the Maria who is anxious about people, the step of crucified our child. The people entrusted Maria while looking at those figures to be able to have power to carry own pains and difficulty that I had on and would pray to God. 
  There is much prayer given to Maria in the Catholic Church. Through a history more than 2000, how long will it be that many people prayed to Maria? And the people will be that God gave many blessings to me through Maria how long. We want to pray that days are lived in through Maria better, too. 

The mother Maria who is good, and is gentle at heart 
  Please tell me the gentleness that is not a weakness, power of the love to influence all internal intensity, this gentleness. 
  You forget oneself for humbleness, the person who are not servile with pleasure, and please tell me the humbleness which lowers oneself, and takes good care of a person. 
  You understand the true good will, person who are not the sympathy of the simple heart, and please tell me that you make it for acceptance, a person. 
  Because you are preoccupied with it about oneself, you participate about a person, and please tell me the modesty in the true meaning. You recognize the personality of the partner heartily, and please tell me that you respect freedom. 
  Please tell me that you interpret the person well while knowing a person plainly, and noticing a fault. You trust the good point in the heart of the person and the function of blessing, and please tell me that you respect it. 
  You are strangely sensitive and you are thoughtless and do not love it, and please tell me the gentleness in the true meaning. Please tell me the delicate consideration that takes in each slight need and wish, and is going to satisfy it. 
  Please teach without compromising with a past and that you take it in generosity. Please give a wish to learn from the generosity of the master to protect all, and to forgive. 

(J. Gallo)
Principal Kinuko Asahiro
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