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Story of the principal

Lourdes (Lourdes)
 Lourdes is a small village like a population of 15,000 people in the town in the foot of Pyrenees becoming France and the border of Spain. However, it becomes famous, and the pilgrim of approximately 5 million a year visits this ground by an appearance of the Virgin Mary and a spring of Lourdes.
  Girl berunadetta of the physically weak, poor shepherdess gathered the driftwood which did it on the firewood at 14 years old to live in Lourdes on February 11, 1858 in the river which I drifted to by a cave of the Masa biL. berunadetta had following experience then. It is written in her note in this way. "I went to the river for collecting firewood in three people with a younger sister with a friend. Two people had crossed the cold river, but I was still looking for shallows. I heard the sound of the gust of wind out of nowhere when I took off shoes and socks to cross the flow in front of the cave. As I heard the sound again, I looked up toward the cave which did it of the sound. I saw the figure of the young, beautiful woman who wore a flare and a thing white there in yellow on the rock of the rosebush." This was the first event. Then, to July 16, it was appeared in berunadetta for 18 times. This woman confided to berunadetta in quest of the name, "I am living in of no original sin" in a dialect of Pyrenees. I told berunadetta where did not understand the meaning to the Catholic priest of the church. The Catholic priest was surprised very much. In fact, this is because it was the thing four years before the appearance of Lourdes that it was determined formally by the doctrine of the church that the Virgin Mary is living in of no original sin. 
  And a spring sprang out in a cave when berunadetta dug the provided place at the time of the ninth appearance as the Maria was said. The water which sprang out became the beautiful clear water, and the villager that illness was healed by this water came out. I just demand the water of this spring from Lourdes for 150 years, and people suffering from illness gather. When I made a pilgrimage to Lourdes with a friend of the weak constitution before, the sick participated in a pilgrimage from many countries and prayed in front of a cave, and the figure which gave Sho Oai of the Ave Maria by a night candle line, and prayed to the Virgin Mary sounded through the heart. I have water, and the illness of all people is not restored miraculously, but the word "that had courage to accept a disease, and to live" that I drink water of Lourdes and ate when my friend who bathed returns from Lourdes may not disappear from my heart. Of the friend whom the posture to the life changed into taking the opportunity of Lourdes pilgrimage forward, as for having had turn up, it was the blessing of the pilgrimage for me.
  February 11 is a holiday in commemoration of an appearance of the Holy Mother of Lourdes, but Lourdes is a pilgrimage place given to the Virgin Mary, and the people (people ... prayed in hope of healing there) visiting there have a blessing of healing, hope, power, courage to live through the Virgin Mary.

Principal Kinuko Asahiro
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