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Story of the principal

May with Maria
  I celebrate May in the Catholic Church as a month of the Virgin Mary. It is called that each us can live after the fashion of the Virgin Mary in May when it is filled with fetish lives and is full of the fresh green.
 Because, "yes," Maria of small town Nazareth of the lira shop met an appeal of God now an out-of-the-way place of Israel for approximately 2,000 years, only as for the saving grace, the work begins. It is written down in the Gospel by Luke as follows.
  In the sixth month, Gabriel was sent to the town of Galilee called Nazareth by God. I was sent to the young girl who was the fiance of the person called Joseph of the Davids. The name of the young girl was called Maria. The angel came to her and said. "Congratulations, favored one, master are broken with you." The Maria was puzzled over these words, and on earth these greetings thought what it was, and they were crowded. "There are not Maria, the afraid thing. God gave a blessing to you. You carry you and give birth to a boy, but name the child yes. The child becomes a great person and is said to be a child of the which ito is high in. ・・ ・ Maria said to an angel. "It may have possibilities to look like it why. Though I do not know a man." The angel answered. "A spirit of a dead person goes down to you, and power of the one that ito is high in surrounds you. Therefore the born child is called sacred person, Son of God. Elisabeth of your relative is old, too, but carries a boy. Though it was said to be a sterile woman, it is another six months. It has nothing that God cannot do it." The Maria said. I had it, I enjoy it, and "I do one of a master. According to the words, become this body." Therefore the angel left. (Luke one chapter 26-38 sections)
  Students of the whole school appreciated a movie called "Maria" on Holy Mother feast day. For own mission that Maria was informed by an angel, the figure which I answered "yes" while being puzzled was impressive. "Yes," various problems occur practically by having answered. I was pregnant with a child by a function of Holy Spirit and knew the place that I had in the body of the Maria from an angel in a figure, a dream to be troubled with to tell it to Joseph who was a fiance how and strongly felt the appeal to undertaking the result by practically own life, and living in what, "yes," I answered on faith through figure ... which was going to undertake the trouble with courage while there were rumors about a figure of Joseph who decided it who accepted her in the suffering, again their things among others in various ways. When I accept a mission entrusted oneself with after the fashion of Maria "yes", and each us lives, the Maria encourages us and is convinced when I walk it together.
Principal Kinuko Asahiro
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