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Story of the principal

King and sage
  I heard the short tale which I ate without thinking, "it was like that and is so in the truth".
 A certain King had dream that lost all the teeth. I ordered that the King woke up to call the sage who interpreted this dream. The sage who came said in this way first. "It will be what misfortune! Each tooth which fell means death of each relative of the King." What "a rude thing!" The King said in anger. "I was able to say such a thing to me well. Leave." The King called a retainer and gave him an order for 100 times of whiplash. 
  And I called another sage together and explained the dream that I had again. He said to hear explanation of the King carefully. "You have King, big happiness." "The dream is such a thing. In other words, you live longer than a relative." The King brightens a face, of the whole face told a sage to give 100 pieces of gold coins while smiling. 
  When a sage left the royal palace, one of the retainers said admiringly. "Can not believe! Is the interpretation of dream that you did not same as the interpretation of the former sage? A person before why is given 100 times of whiplash, and you do not know whether it is 100 pieces of gold coins" 
  The second sage said, "learn it a friend well.". All is up to way of speaking. One of the big problems for the human being is to learn how to convey." 

  In not only this story but also our real everyday life, such a thing thinks that it happens quite often. I find happiness by how to convey and it becomes unhappy and may injure a partner or may have a partner receive it with pleasure. You must surely convey the truth, but it will be necessary to be aware of causing many problems by the way of speaking. We have the splendid gift called words. If I deserve to be you and use it and convey a message, the message will become that I keep us alive.

Principal Kinuko Asahiro
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