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Story of the principal

Third semester closing ceremony
 The sixth grader graduated, too, and the old and new transfers type of the student council was held the other day, too. I appreciate that all of old student councils wrestled for the activation of the principal school sincerely. It was such wonderful achievement praised by many people visited a school in open school. Thank you very much. I expect it that all of Chairperson Hakoda new student councils to lead surely makes a splendid student council activity.
 By the way, everybody is education target in this year; would it be possible "to bring up the heart that permitted"?
 I chop this sign on a chest at the opening ceremony, an entrance ceremony of the first semester in this year, nobody, lonely thought showed power to have without state of things without feeling hot, and told when all wanted to send school life filled with hope with a smile happily when please was strong. And, just after the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011, it was cruised from public advertisement mechanism by TV
 Though nobody can see it, "the heart trainer" sees "the heart".
 Though I do not see it, as for "the thought," anyone can see "the consideration".
 I introduced poetry of Shoji Miyazawa called this and appealed to the school which overflowed for "consideration" with "a heart trainer" of principal school student 461 to do it.
 From an activity and the memorial festival bazaar of the student council which I introduced some time ago, the everyday behavior of more everybodies, I was able to feel "a heart trainer" and "consideration".
 On the other hand, by a heartless behavior, I am anxious, and spend time with a smile out of hard thought, and there is the lost person a tiff and slander, too.
 In Colossians three chapters eight nodes "throw away disgraceful words to appear from anger, resentment, malice, criticism, the entrance. I tell, you must not tell a lie each other.
 I believe that the person sending school life in hard thought greatly decreases if I can receive it with "a heart trainer" and "consideration" each other.
 "Moving forward through sorrow" "is opposite "living looking ahead" prayer tomorrow"
 This is an entry of several newspapers on March 12 on the basis of the prayer of the requiem to the memory of a victim of the Great East Japan Earthquake that brought unprecedented damage.
 As for word of the bereaved who said, "it was an awful trial" while thinking from an earthquake disaster to the life that I lost on that day for seven years, there was the thing which left a strong impression.
 I felt like telling the importance of "living through sorrow looking ahead while engraving a valuable lesson provided with big sacrifice into a chest".
 We are given an irreplaceable life made use of. Therefore I will have the school full of "a heart trainer" and "consideration" and smiles while making the life a treasure.
 For this one year, I sent school life with everybody. I am convinced that the student of the principal school can do it.
 In addition, the support Maria society who is the mother's body of the principal school introduces that Minamisoma monastery was founded to Odaka, Fukushima City on March 19 to support it while sharing pains with the people who cannot yet recover from pains of the earthquake disaster damage, and walking it together. 
 As for everybody, the first grade is promoted each. The new first grader and fourth grader increase. I enter it with uneasiness and hope. Please receive him kindly to be able to think that it was good to enter the star of the dawn.
 Kaihara of the fourth grader had nice communication decided as 21s Ambassador Hirawa yesterday. It will be that many everybodies play an active part in various fields in the next fiscal year. I look forward to everybody who grew up from April, and, during this spring vacation, everybody prays for what is spent well.
 In addition, the principal Prize of the third semester conferred it on Miura of five years for the following reason.
 As for you, it has been active as a leader including the leader of a manager, the hallelujah chorus of S (service) club yeast club Coe loss telluraclub devotedly.
 The posture was based on love and mind of the service, and was full of consideration and consideration, and embodied in "bringing up the heart that permitted" that was an education aim; was splendid.
 I call myself it as principal Prize here for the third semester

 The S club performs an activity report of this year in front of all of Soroptimist International at New Castle, Fukuyama hotel on the afternoon of today. The group gives various support to me in Japanese puppet theater appreciation or a carrier supporting program in this year.
 The S club performed mutual interchange among Fukushima meal building, the night watch activity in Osaka Nishinari-ku.
 When I won, a large number of students were S clubs, and the principal school moved into action, too. As it is a splendid activity, everybody, please succeed a tradition, too.
Principal Onoda civilization
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