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Story of the principal

For revival of Christ
 I do the Easter of this year at early time called March 27. I went to the New Zealand last year, but do not seem to be able to say so this year.
  I always think, but think about a meaning that a church celebrates Easter once a year and invites you to. What would oneself be born for at the same time? I think the meaning to tell to live what it is. I notice oneself thinking about Easter coming once a year while preparing for the mass of the Sunday while reading the Bible about the life of Christ who revived. Is chased in daily life, and cannot readily think slowly and carefully, but cannot go when avoid this while preparing for a sermon as a Catholic priest; grave; religious; feel that have a meaning.
  There is the thing which says a catechism in old days, and really easily gathered up Catholic teaching and remembers what the pamphlet was made to all memorize and still remains in memory properly. When I think about it, significance to have of the religion notices that I have at all a unique view of the world about a meaning, significance to live for the human being. As a result of "close relation with God and the human being to begin with Judaism," God who was father sent Jesus Christ who was a child to the world and told our true meaning to live.
  I think that the true meaning that we are born in the world and live for may be gathered by one point saying that it revives with Christ. The human being does not have the person to tell to be happy until I die after being born, but there is not the person who says that it is unhappy until I die after being born. I know that the life changes like the rope which can twist vicissitudes. Only the deep attachment may remain until I die, but when I die, I am alone and I am only burnt even if I put it in the coffin even if I save money and am how useless for what even if I find happiness only in money and a thing and human relations after having died.
  Then I keep health, and power enters only that I pray when I want to live long as much as possible. I may have a different meaning in its own right. However, I can never live.
  The management moves to the children who are a guardian at the same time as even a person saving money enters the facilities while talk with one committed in a certain nursing facility on the other day since was young; and as for 1 sen of oneself do not seem to become free.
  But many people believe that it is money then to be useful if I become alone and do not seem to doubt it. Therefore the money was not originally necessary in the mule facilities, but has heard a wallet and a story to say that the newspaper which I cut was put in the size of the money in that by saying that I made a fuss if I did not hand a wallet. In addition, the same thing was performed in the nursing home with Saitama that I went as a counselor when I was in myself Tokyo.
  Because I think only about living when I live, I do not think about the infirmities of old age verge of death deeply too much. I will say that I think in way of oneself previous of life just a day should be uneventfulness today and live.
  But, in the Christian teaching, there is the person finding the best way of thinking, way of life as the human being for teaching of Christ who "is caught like Paul by Jesus Christ's way of life", and is expressed by the word (cf. Phillippi book three chapters 12 sections) and (cf. Galatians two chapters 20 sections) that "Christ lives to the house of me" and the words that it is said and Christ's way of life.
  Mother Teresa met the point of this Bible that "was to have done that this smallest person who was my brothers left you alone to me" (Matthew Gospel 25 chapters 40 sections), and it was too famous to have been going to live in words street, what would the last purpose be? Such words are written in front of an above-mentioned point of the Matthew Gospel. "Inherit a country prepared for you since people, the Creation blessed by saa, my father." There is the word to be called (Matthew Gospel 26 chapters 34 sections).
  Neither Paul nor Mother Teresa assumes success and honor by the life on this ground the last purpose. When it is in this year when only Christ models all life on this ground on words and an act, or there is not the way to heaven, I seem to tell you. I think that it is a meaning to tell heaven to revive.
  I understand a meaning of the Easter to reach once a year deeply and want to be Lent to think about what kind of sense of values you live in life on this ground for deeply. And, in this Lent, I am awakened to sense of values of Christ and want to pray for being given a blessing and courage turning to the direction of Christ heartily again. I think that it is when many people think about something with the best way of life as a human being from a trouble and pains alone.
Principal Michiharu Yamaguchi
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