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Birthday party born in April

On 19th, there was the birthday party of the friend born in April looking forward to it very much.
The friend whom one came to have a big attached a red flower to the chest and stepped forward and it was to own name and how old or announced it.
By the program by the teacher, it was greetings theater.
"Good morning!" when I hear "what kind of greetings do you hold in the morning?"
When when "it is noon, hear what kind of is said hello?", "hello"; it might be said in to big voice.
The greetings are the wonderful words that everybody is used to a smile!
I was able to spend very happy time.
I announced own name and age.
When can say hello in a loud voice, a cat passes; ... nshin!
I turn into an admirable captain, and everybody roars with laughter!
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